elSage Blog
The Daisy: elSage's New Design
The new Daisy design was created after the most delightful visit to NorCal, for the matriarch of our family who loves a floral print. Life inspiring art is my favorite reason to create. Every elSage design is created from linocut block...
Things to do in and around Skagit Valley in the spring
Every March through April Skagit Valley becomes a rainbow of color as flowers fill the fields.
Whether you are planning a day trip or an extended stay, the magic of Skagit Valley is at its peak this time of year.
DIY Tree Stamp Gift Tag
This is an old favorite. An easy project for all ages. Tree Stamp Gift Tag Tutorial D.I.Y. from elSage Designs on Vimeo.
Voting Resources, 2020 Election, Washington State
Ballots are here! Let's vote early, and allllll the way down the ballot. Here are some resources: The Stranger's Endorsements for the 2020 Election has the Washington State Details. Progressive Voters Guide tells you what you need to know down...
An Interview with Skagit County Superior Court Judge Candidate Elizabeth Yost Neidzwski
"As a judge, I will be courageous, and follow and apply the law fairly and equitably, even when that is not the easy or popular path."
"Como juez, seré valiente, y seguiré y aplicare la ley con igualdad y equitativamente, aun cuando no sea el camino más fácil o popular."
Justice for Breonna Taylor & Elijah McClain
Justice for Breonna Taylor & Elijah McClain Write letters. This week the internet has been telling us that filters have been put in place to weed out the emails that we are sending asking for justice. You know what officials...